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You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox and if you miss a newsletter, it’s right here in a very user-friendly format. I can’t promise that on any of my other channels, but I know I have folks that like one or the other. But if you love reading your favs on Substack, why not add me to your Substack dashboard too and cut out the clutter.

Follow me on a platform that’s quickly becoming the favorite of any channel I use

Cultivating this community over 12 years hasn’t been easy, but it’s worth it and I’m happy to still be here and shift to whatever channels make sense for people to find me and make meaningful connections. I love writing long-form content and over here, they love to have all my words and pictures (and sometimes sounds and videos!).

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Defying Gentrification, Crafting Liberation

One of the handful of urbanist media platforms run by a Black person, and proabably the only one with a queer, disabled, feminist currently based in DC who is trying to bring more fiber crafts to the city. I'm Kristen, nice to meet you.


Black, Queer, Southern USA, Spiritual, Working/Lower-Middle Class, Disabled(COVID-safe) Feminist Urbanism (and fiber crafts) on Sunday’s with an essay, Mondays with AMAs and Fridays with my podcast or when I have something to say. (she/they)